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Must Watch – Gateway Pundit Interview Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on 2000 Mules
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Col Douglas Macgregor Discusses Current Status of Conflict in Ukraine
While no media have a good track record of outlining the conflict in Ukraine, retired Col. Douglas Macgregor has the most consistent perspective that reconciles what little factual information is visible with the reality on the ground.
In this recent interview, Macgregor notes the Russian operation is currently focused on securing the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, where fighting has been taking place since 2014. During an earlier interview on CNN, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy noted the largest and most experienced elements of the Ukrainian army are located in this region. According to Zelenskyy, approximately 44,000 Ukrainian troops are there; oddly, Zelenskyy seemed to concede that he has no control over what’s happening there.
During this segment, Macgregor notes the current Russian objective is to encircle those eastern Ukraine forces, cut them off from western supply lines, and then slowly and methodically eliminate them – while separating them from Russian speaking citizens in the region. Macgregor notes a particular concern once those Ukraine forces are eliminated. WATCH:
What Col. Macgregor states toward the end rings very true to the practical events being discussed.
The most dangerous time will be when the Russians are close to achieving their objective in Eastern Ukraine, and the western media will be faced with having to reconcile the difference between the propaganda they have been selling to western citizens and the actual truth on the ground. That’s when the western alliance is likely to do something drastic.
Primary Witness to Material in Hunter Biden Laptop Flees to Switzerland Fearing Retaliation and U.S. Government
Jack Maxey was the first person to receive a full hard drive copy of the Hunter Biden laptop from Rudy Guliani. Maxey has fled to Switzerland in order to complete a full forensic audit of the laptop content in a neutral jurisdiction.

In recent interviews Maxey (pictured left) has started to discuss the buried information that was contained in the deleted files from the laptop – the things Hunter Biden did not want anyone to see. That deleted material, now retrieved and archived, is alleged to contain 450 gigabits of images, pictures and videos that are very disturbing.
Maxey is stating [Daily Mail article and Video Here] he will share the contents of the original files and all of the retrieved deleted files with the public so that people can see the scale of depravity and Biden family corruption within the evidence.
Additionally, Maxey is revealing to The Daily Mail the background of how he gave the original material to media, the Senate and law enforcement, and yet no one took any action.
According to Maxey, despite articles written about potential financial crimes associated with documents in the laptop, which he states are the most minimal of the unlawful evidence contained within it, there is no official record in the justice department of the FBI handling of the laptop, because the intent of the U.S. government was to hide the material.
Support for Maxey’s claim of the U.S. government taking action to cover up the laptop material, is found in the example of him uploading specific searchable database files of the material into drop boxes in international file saving sites. However, as shared by the Daily Mail, “after about an hour, the links were taken down.”
Continue readingWhy Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles? By Emerald Robinson
The LBGT community has now merged with the pro-pedophile community.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent the LBGT community and the woke corporations into a frenzy when he championed (and signed into law) an anti-groomer bill that prevents school teachers from grooming 5 year old children about deviant sex practices.
The Disney Company believes that grooming your kids is the hill that it wants to die on — which should tell you everything you need to know about the people running Disney these days. No sane corporation would put out a statement such as this one unless it wanted to be recognized as a pro-pedophile organization.

In case you think you’re merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or something more innocent, I’ve got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.
Let me repeat: After. Disney. Employees. Were. Caught. In. Pedophile. Sex. Bust.
Continue readingThe War for Young Minds And the LGBTQIA+ Agenda for Kindergarteners

The failure to appreciate danger, or the refusal to take seriously the promises of the adversary, are often the result of a deficiency of imagination.
We look in shock at the indoctrination – and resulting sexualization – of the young, surprised that a secular progressive movement would go after the softest of minds. We fail to predict the application of evil because we cannot imagine such evil in ourselves.
After all, who amongst us would teach students that the family unit is racist and prejudicial, or that religion is homophobic?
Or instruct 5 – 7 year olds on “gender identity?”
Or provide rainbow flags and buttons to 3rd graders (and instruct those students they must not tell their parents about what was discussed during school pride week)?
Or force kids to attend a school-wide pride parade?
Then there is Chicago’s plans to give condoms to elementary school students, and the National Association Independent Schools’ plans to teach “queer-inclusive” curriculum to kindergarteners. I could go on, but there is only so much time and space.
What makes all this so much worse is that the State compels the students to attend these schools. You will attend. You will be re-educated. You will like it. The lurking danger of public schooling (and the reason why compulsory public schooling must be opposed) – the danger of what would happen when progressives have control – has emerged.
Anyway, if we call this a war for the children, we must also recognize the strategy of the adversary.
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Biden, When Questioned and Quoted With His Own Words Says, “That Never Happened”
Peter Doocy questions Biden about three recent examples of his statements the White House had to clean up and clarify immediately. When Biden was confronted with his saying ‘troops were going into Ukraine’, and ‘we will respond in-kind to a chemical weapon attack’, and ‘Vladimir Putin has to go’, Joe Biden said those statements never happened. This is almost unreal. WATCH:

You Need “Guns, Gold, & A Getaway Plan”, Celente Warns “WWIII Has Begun”
Via Greg Hunter’s
Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, has long said “when all else fails, they take you to war.”

To say our world is failing is a profound understatement. Celente proclaims, “World War III has begun… I was born one year after the end of WWII, and crazy people will take you to war in the blink of an eye… The war criminals are leading us into another war.”
Celente says the reason for war usually surrounds a failing economy. This time is no different. Celente explains, “I have been saying that when all else fails, they take you to war…”
” What followed the Great Depression? War. What followed the dot com bust? More war. That’s right. Georgie Bush’s ratings were way down, and the Nasdaq was down 66% before 9/11.”
Celente goes on to point out the economy in the USA is failing.
For proof, look no further than the “16% inflation” destroying paychecks of Americans, especially at the gas pump.
Continue readingZelenskyy Worried About Western Financial Support After Video Surfaces Showing Ukraine Military Torturing Russian POW’s
by Sundance
Two weeks ago, the United States government, State Dept., CIA and their allies in Big Tech, made a public announcement {Go Deep} that stated violence against Russians would be officially sanctioned by Facebook, Instagram and Google. In essence, Big Tech said it was now okay for Russians to be targeted on social media. Today, video footage is leaked showing graphic torture of Russian POW’s by Ukraine military units.

BACKGROUND – The purpose of the shift in Big Tech ‘terms and conditions‘ for the promotion of violence, was seemingly to enhance the western propaganda campaign. Elevating Ukraine’s victim status in the minds of the ordinary citizens, while supporting the negative promotional campaign against Russia and Vladimir Putin was part of the design. The transparent motive of the shift was obvious to those who follow the activity of U.S. intelligence and State Dept.
Deep weeds political followers will remember the first collaboration between Facebook and DoS/CIA using this approach took place in Egypt and Libya at the beginning of the 2010 U.S. Obama-inspired Islamist Spring. A more refined 2022 version was just recently deployed against Russia. The tech control agents needed to parse the nuance carefully to allow targeted and approved violence to be narrowly focused.
Soon after Big Tech made their announcement {via Reuters}, the DoS/CIA and NATO announced they would be providing western military hardware to the Azov battalion in Ukraine – essentially the Ukrainian military’s openly Nazi division. Images soon surfaced showing U.S. military “advisors” training Ukrainian ultranationalist Nazi units (Azov regiment) how to use the U.S. provided FGM-148 javelin missiles.
WARNING ~ Graphic Discussion Below
Continue readingVictor Davis Hanson: The Real ‘Reset’ Is Coming
by Victor Davis Hanson
President Joe Biden believes the Ukraine war will mark the start of a “new world order.”
In the middle of the COVID global pandemic, Klaus Schwab and global elites likewise announced a “great reset.”
Accordingly, the nations of the world would have to surrender their sovereignty to an international body of experts. They would enlighten us on taxes, diversity, and green policies.
When former President Donald Trump got elected in 2016, marquee journalists announced partisan reporting would have to displace the old, supposedly disinterested approach to the news.
There is a common theme here.

In normal times progressives worry that they do not have public support for their policies. Only in crises do they feel that the political Left and media can merge to use apocalyptic times to ram through usually unpopular approaches to foreign and domestic problems.
We saw that last year: fleeing from Afghanistan, the embrace of critical race theory, trying to end the filibuster, pack the court, junk the Electoral College, and nationalize voting laws.
These “new orders” and “resets” always entail far bigger government and more unelected, powerful bureaucracies. Elites assume that their radical changes in energy use, media reporting, voting, sovereignty, and racial and ethnic quotas will never quite apply to themselves, the architects of such top-down changes.
So we common folk must quit fossil fuels, but not those who need to use corporate jets. Walls will not mar our borders but will protect the homes of Nancy Pelosi, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates.
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President Trump Files a Massive Civil Lawsuit Against the Entire Russia Conspiracy Scheme Team
By Sundance
President Trump named just about everyone connected to ‘Spygate’ and the manufactured ‘Trump-Russia’ fraud in a civil lawsuit filed today in the jurisdiction of Miami, Florida.
[108 page Lawsuit HERE]

“Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty,” the president states. The ramifications could be significant as the Durham criminal probe continues to generate evidence that supports the Trump lawsuit.
“Under the guise of ‘opposition research,’ ‘data analytics,’ and other political stratagems, the Defendants nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust. They worked together with a single, self-serving purpose: to vilify Donald J. Trump,” says one segment of the lawsuit.
All of the claims within the filing are substantiated by documents outlining the history of the events. I’m not sure any defendant is going to be successful getting themselves out of the target zone on the lawsuit. The suit alleges “racketeering” and a “conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood,” among other claims.
Defendants include: Hillary R. Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, DNC Services Corporation, Perkins Coie, LLC, Michael Sussmann, Marc Elias, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, John Podesta, Robert E. Mook, Phillipe Reines, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Business Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith and Andrew McCabe
The suit was assigned on Thursday to U.S. District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks, who is based in West Palm Beach, FL, a Bill Clinton appointment.